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Pillow Talk | Welcome To The Basement

Duration: 25:47Views: 8.4KLikes: 548Date Created: Feb, 2022

Channel: BlameSociety

Category: Comedy

Tags: chad vaderpillow talkbeer and board gamesrock hudsonwelcome to the basementmatt sloanblame society filmsdoris dayriffingroger ebertmovie reviewmystery science theater 3000

Description: Spend a belated Valentine’s Day with us on the old leather couch as we get cozy and take in the classic 1950s rom-com Pillow Talk. In Seen It, we discuss pigs, duels, stranglers and itches. Check out our website! Donate to support the show! welcometothebasementshow.com Like us on facebook: m.facebook.com/Welcome-to-the-Basement-226001140809870 Welcome To The Basement PO Box 2702 Madison, WI 53701 Discogs want list discogs.com/mywantlist SEASON 10 youtube.com/playlist?list=PL49WgzlbhrT3SNGqHc-crLkgtWl-nB363 SEASON 9 youtube.com/playlist?list=PL49WgzlbhrT2CSDQNgkWfceHTp_qwe2j1 SEASON 8 youtube.com/playlist?list=PL49WgzlbhrT1F-xbY9JUUv_UYYxo_qgFF SEASON 7 youtube.com/playlist?list=PL49WgzlbhrT1OotBLbo0Eh-BagIjVungd SEASON 6 youtube.com/playlist?list=PL49WgzlbhrT1qFdWo83e9Ehqo97uz_0vF SEASON 5 youtube.com/playlist?list=PL49WgzlbhrT30MwkMMod9OMpVZ-UG1vCV SEASON 4: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL49WgzlbhrT09fLUhOiwN0zU8ikBOJ6lu SEASON 3: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL49WgzlbhrT10IN3W4soxNNd46qF6vIvZ SEASON 2: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL49WgzlbhrT3tucWuCvP3xGBMso2b8WgV SEASON 1: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL77A0EB0EAF0FEFEB 200 Episode Supercut Retrospective: youtube.com/watch?v=ufU_UCiWpvA&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0EvN77Ykniq8_FwvAhu6xlMHLps3rvEjzmui-sK44kwzWjwZxa6Vd4UlE All film footage is used in accordance with fair use and US copyright law. All music in the show is used with full permission of the composer. Welcome To The Basement" is a show about watching, discussing and having fun with movies. None of the discussion or riffing is planned ahead of time. The movie announced on Facebook before every new episode. We do discuss the entire movie, including the ending, so if you want to avoid spoilers, watch the movie first.

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